
Little Dragons (3-5 years)

The USA Martial Arts Little Dragons’ program is especially designed for ages 3-5. These little ones learn to participate in a group activity while parents observe and provide the comfort and security children of this age need.

Our program teaches concentration, coordination and self-discipline in a format that makes learning fun. Parents love the USA Martial Arts Little Dragon Pledge, weekly progress report and award systems. Our program reinforces the behaviors parents want to see in their children.

As Little Dragons, children will:

  • Improve coordination, helping all other activities
  • Improve concentration to aid in their progress at school
  • Improve self-esteem giving them the power to make to proper choices

Little Dragons are taught very basic martial art techniques prior to being introduced into a regular children’s program. As their maturity and skill levels increase, parents and their instructor determine the proper time to advance them. When that time comes, they are ready to excel in their Martial Arts studies!

Youth/Junior Karate/TaeKwonDo (6-12 years)

At USA Martial Arts our programs are second to none. We realize that although the ability to defend oneself is important, there are additional benefits in studying martial arts. We teach our students using a basic philosophy of encouragement and positive reinforcement.

By embedding these principles in our children’s classes, the USA Martial Arts team has made a strong commitment to today’s youngsters. Our carefully designed programs for children will improve your child’s performance in other sports as well as improve their study habits, increase overall concentration and develop healthy “life skills” for their bright and adventurous futures of excellence.