- Step left foot forward into a left front stance and execute a left low forearm block, deliver a right reverse punch to the solar plexus; lunge back slightly maintaining the same stance and bring hands to a guarding position; deliver a right front kick.
- Step left foot forward into a left front stance and execute a left rising block; deliver a right reverse punch; step left foot back to a right horse stance; deliver a right stepping side kick and set down into a right front stance to execute a left reverse punch to the face.
- Step left foot forward into a left front stance and execute a left inner forearm block; deliver to the solar plexus a right reverse punch and follow with a left forward punch, then a right reverse punch to the face; step left foot back to a right front stance then perform a right jump front kick.
- Step right foot forward, slightly pulling left foot, into a right horse stance and execute a right inward forearm block; deliver a right side elbow strike; slide back to a right natural stance and execute a right backfist; perform a right jump side kick.
- Step out to the left at an angle into a right natural stance; execute a right side kick to the ribs and then set down into a right horse stance and deliver a right knifehand strike to back of the neck; grab opponent’s gi with right hand while sliding up to a natural stance; perform a major outer reap take-down (o soto gari) and finish with a right reverse punch to the downed opponent.
- Drop left foot to a right back stance; execute a left inside-out crescent kick to opponent’s arm then a right roundhouse kick to the head.
- Drop right foot back to a left back stance; execute a right outside-inside crescent kick to opponent’s arm then a right roundhouse kick to the head.
- Step left foot back to the right at a slight angle into a right cat stance and execute an inward knifehand block; grab the back of opponent’s punching hand, execute a right front kick to the groin; and perform a standing “ikkyo” wrist lock.
- Step right foot back into a left front stance and execute an open hand high cross block; twist opponent’s arm in large clockwise circle; deliver a right front kick to the face and then a right downward elbow strike to back of head or spine.
- Step forward into a left front stance and execute a left outer forearm block, deliver a right forearm strike to the face while grasping opponent’s arm; execute a major outer reap take-down (o soto gari) and finish with a right reverse punch to the downed opponent.
These one-step sparring techniques are described with the opponent attacking with a right forward punch. The defender should also be able to demonstrate these one steps on the left side.